WEIGHT: You can choose to display your weight in Pounds, Kilograms or Stones.

HEIGHT: You can choose to display your height in Feet & Inches, Centimeters or just Inches.

NEXT WEEK STARTS: Choose the day you want your week to reset on.

EXTRA ALLOWANCES: You have 3 options here. When you need extra BITES to use on top of your Dailies - you can choose to use Weeklies or Activity BITES. It will automatically deduct these BITES, as you need them, from what you have selected.


Then there is MANUALLY REDEEM. This adds an additional line to the bottom of your tracker screen and allows you to choose the number of BITES you wish to use and whether they come from Activity or Weeklies. This means you have a greater measure of control for using both Weeklies and Activity BITES without having to switch it in your plan.

ACTIVITY ALLOWANCE: If you choose to use Activity First, you can choose for them to be accumulated and used Weekly, to only be accumulated and used Daily (they will not carry over to the next day) or Do Not Use at all.

SECONDARY METRIC: An exciting feature exclusively available with a PRO subscription. This allows you to show a second tracking line on your Dashboard - either displaying Calories, Macros, or both. You can even use this to track for low carb on KETO if you want.
Check out the separate section that provides in-depth coverage on Secondary Metrics.

SHOW STREAKS: You can choose to show Streaks on your main tracking screen by tapping on the toggle to select on or off. 

SHOW WATER TRACKING: You can choose to show Water Tracking on your main tracking screen by tapping on the toggle. 

APP ICON BADGE (APPLE ONLY): This will display your current remaining BITES for the day on the icon on your device.

USE DECIMALS: Choose whether to have BITES show as whole numbers using the rounding system or to use decimals for increased accuracy. Under the popular BITES system - if an items value ends

  • 0.4 or less - it rounds DOWN to the nearest number
  • 0.5 or greater - it rounds UP to the next number
  • This is why an item may be 1 BITE for one, but 3 BITES for two.


COMMUNITY GUIDELINES: To keep things running safely and smoothly in the Community, there are a few rules. Just a few. But they are here.

HELP CENTER: This opens the current Knowledge Base and FAQ on the Healthi site. Search by device (Apple/Android) or General questions.

EMAIL US: The best way to contact support or report a problem is here in the app. Email Us opens an email with all the relevant details like what device you use, what version of the app you’re using and the plan you’re on.


  • You must have your Apple MAIL app set up first to send
  • To attach an image or video, long press and when the black option line comes up - swipe left and choose INSERT PHOTO or VIDEO.


  • Select the email program you want to use
  • To attach an image or video, use your standard attachment (usually a paperclip icon). Please note that GMAIL does not accept video files over 25M so you may have difficulty attaching long videos or ones recorded in higher resolutions.

RESTORE PURCHASES: Use this option first if you have a previously purchased feature which is displaying as locked.

PRIVACY POLICY: Legal bits for your privacy protection 

TERMS OF USE: More fun legal bits about usage

HEALTHI VERSION: Displays current version which is helpful to know if you have questions.