The best part is you don't even need a Fitbit device to get in on the fun. If you don't have a Fitbit simply download the Fitbit app, signup for a free account, and enable Mobile Track. Then head back to Healthi to connect your account and Fitbit will report the steps it tracks using your phone.

Once you have a Fitbit account you can connect it by:

  1. Visit the App Store or Google Play and make sure your Healthi app is up to date. 
  2. Go to the Settings page in Healthi
  3. Tap the Connect button under Sharing > Fitbit
  4. Enter your Fitbit login details
  5. Select Allow All metrics, then tap the Allow button

That's it! Once connected, Healthi will update your Fitbit steps every 15-20 minutes continuously throughout the day. Keep in mind it will only be as up-to-date as the Fitbit API which sometimes can be delayed in updating your current step count. If you have the Fitbit app setup to only manually sync your device then you need to jump into the Fitbit app to sync your data before it will be available in Healthi.

Last item to keep in mind is all Healthi BITES based plans include a base level of activity equivalent to 3,000+ daily steps as part of your current allowances, so you won't start earning extra Activity BITES until after passing that milestone each day. Now get moving and earn some extra bites!

NOTE: Fitbit is only available as part of Healthi Pro so if you haven't upgraded yet, take advantage now before our steeply discounted pricing (up to 40% off) ends.